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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Books We Recommend

Born to Run by Christopher McDougall

                    A well written story, funny, and worth reading whether or not you ever run. You'll learn the importance of the strength in your feet, the correct shoes, and form--even if you just walk for exercise.
The Backpacker's Handbook by Chris Townsend

                                    This book is very detailed about backpacking and you can learn a great deal from it. The author has more than 30 years of experience and has personally tested all kinds of gear, hiked all kinds of terrains and climates. Learn about ultra-light backpacking, how to choose your gear, and prepare for the challenges of wilderness adventure. Make sure you get the latest edition.

How to Shit in the Woods, Second Edition: An Environmentally Sound Approach to a Lost Art by Kathleen Meyer

                                    Let's face it--we are trained very early in life to use toilet facilities. If the thought of primitive camping leaves you dreading it, this book is for you.The narrative is very matter of fact, and even strategic about the how- to's of relieving yourself in the woods.

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