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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Black Mesa, OK - Peak #14

Sept. 5, 2010 - We began the 8.4 mile round trip hike to Black Mesa at 11:00 a.m. Central Time. Made it to the 4,973 ft. summit at 12:30 p.m. Mountain Time! We were pleased with ourselves for hiking up the 4.2 miles in two and a half hours. The trailhead is well marked and it is the only trail we've seen so far that has mile markers so you know how far you've gone! We like that. The first two miles are easy in that there is not much elevation gain. Mile 3 is tougher because that's where you see the most elevation gain. The last mile is flat. There is no water and virtually no shade to be found on the entire trail. The temperature was around 100 degrees, so we recommend doing this one in cooler weather. We found a little solace from the merciless sun under a few short fir trees.

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