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Monday, July 12, 2010

Guadalupe Peak, TX - Peak #2

On Nov. 21, 2009 we hiked Guadalupe Peak in Texas ( 8749 ft. elev.) This one almost did us in! It was a beautiful day as we began our hike around 9 a.m. Maybe 20 other hikers passed us on the trail, including the ranger. The trail was steep and rocky and we were not in the greatest of shape. (I think we were a little overly confidant after our Grand Canyon hiking adventure!) We did not reach the peak until about 4:00 p.m. and the ranger there warned us that it would get dark around 5:20 p.m. We were prepared to hike in the dark, but we were not prepared for the freakishly high winds coming out of nowhere as the sun descended! As we finally made it off the mountain around 9:30 p.m., a lovely welcoming committee greeted us saying they had been watching our lights for the past hour to make sure we were ok. Believe me, you'll meet the nicest folks on the trail!

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